I must forewarn you, though...I am far less succinct in word than I am on the phone. Feel free to skim through here as I tend to digress quite frequently...
So. The first entry into the real blog versus the practice blogs. I have attempted several of these in the past, but have yet to make it past the first entry. In fact, rarely have I finished that first one! So, my goal for this week is TWO blogs- today and maybe sometime over this coming weekend. And if I can do that, then perhaps three next week? ...
Well, here they are...the reason for the travel (and now for the blog):
Taidhgin, Connlaodh, and Eibhlin
Hands down, they are the coolest kids in the world.
There will be plenty more to come (and you can see plenty of pics at http://www.kodakgallery.com/fitch_steele), but here are a few more - because I know no one can resist-ha ha!
Have a good night.