09 November 2012

Mr. Chatterbox.

DAY EIGHT - 8 November 2012 (on 9 November 2012....one day I will get back on top of this)

HE CAN TALK. That's right, folks, Uilleam can talk. It's not much, it's not clear, it's not always, but it's there. It happens, even in the right context! "Bye bye", "ball", "Aiko", "hello", "puppy", "Momma", "Taidhgin", "hay" (don't ask), "belly", "cup", "Daddy", and a handful more...not a lot, I know. I get it. I have one of my own who could speak in complete sentences at 18 months, so I know that Uilleam's handful of words is not impressive by most people's standards.

But -
for a kid who was so early in his birth, so delayed in his speech and in his hearing, and so used to having three other children talk for him, this is TOTALLY AWESOME.

Thank you for your words, sweet boy. Momma loves you.

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