08 November 2012

Where Are My Shoes?

DAY SEVEN - 7 November 2012
Well, well, well...couldn't even make it a week before I fell off the wagon. It's a wonder I actually remember to put on shoes in the morning these days, let alone take some time at night to give thanks. Yet somehow I do remember my shoes...and not the blog. Priorities. Tsk, tsk.

Before Day Eight starts to wrap up, I wanted to make sure that I had taken a moment or two to reflect on Day Seven. Of course, I am reflecting on Day Eight, so it's really your call as to how you would like this post applied. In my mind, however, I am still thinking back to yesterday, having had my thoughts last evening cut unfairly short by my body's need for sleep (i.e. I passed out cold).

Yesterday was a long day, literally and figuratively. Much of my day was spent traveling between schools and dojos and classes and work and home...with time spent each place reviewing homework and grading papers and watching classes and buying dinner and maintaining a loose grasp on my functional capabilities. With the whirlwind that is our lives, I often take for granted that the whirlwind itself- 99% awesome and 1% hell (ok, maybe it's more a 60/40 split some days) is something that, in and of itself, I am so privileged to have. There are so many people- and many in our lives- for whom the number of activities and events and things they do is not an option not because they don't want to, but because they truly cannot afford to, financially or otherwise. There are days when I wish we didn't have as much going on as we do; I know there are even more days when other people wish they did.

So, for as tired as I am, as full as my calendar is, and as much I would love a whole week to myself, I cannot continue without at least acknowledging that what we have and what can have is more than enough...and for that I am so very, very thankful.

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