Between work and traveling and generally being upside and inside out (i.e. being a working of mom with more children and pets than she can count), I have once again become delayed in posting my thanks. However, on the morn of this day of thanks, I find myself with a few brief moments in which I can share my thanks and provide you with some words to ponder on this fine, fine day. Working from the first missed day...
Day Twenty-Two: From the time we left our house to the time we arrived in Franklin, MA, the kids had endured almost 12 hours of travel time. While they've done that before, it's never fun. However, my children- my wonderful, amazing children- are such seasoned travelers that they made the trip more than bearable. They buckled each other in, worked on worksheets, read books, listened to music, followed maps, and generally just traveled as well as- if not better than- the adults I know. Were my children more of the type Bill Cosby made famous ("Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey!"), I am fairly certain that none of our family up north would ever see my children. Love my jet-setting babies!
Day Twenty-Three: We spent the morning with my old friend and her husband who drove all the way up from Bristol, RI to pay us a short visit. Wow. We had a wonderful time, a lot of laughs, a few dismissed tears, and, in general, picked up where we left off last time...and from where we began in 1983. This visit started off a day of peace, fun, and relaxation- something that does not often happen when traveling over the holidays. For all of this, I am truly thankful...and lucky...and I promise I am not drinking as I write this.
Day Twenty-Four: This morning I am feeling a little more pensive, a little more quiet, and a little more reflective. I keep thinking that there is something that should mark today a more significant day of thanks, one that makes the others look like thumbtacks in a box full of railroad spikes. I have been wracking my brain, searching for the ultimate "thanks". There is none, my friends. Every day is a day of thanks and every day deserves equal time and thought. But for today, in the spirit of the "Day of Thanks", I will say this. I am thankful for the opportunity to forgive, for the chance to be forgiven, for the privilege of having family and friends - whether they like me or not- with which to share my life. There are people waking up today- everyday- literally alone. Not a true friend or blood relative in sight, near or far, who will be there to break bread, drink wine or water or Mountain Dew with them. Unless it is by choice, I cannot imagine a more painful existence- one in which I am by myself in a world of relationships. So this is for you- those I love, for those I don't, for those I like, and for those who piss me off. Without you and our relationship- for better or for worse- I would be not be who I am today, where I am today, and what I feel today. Thank you.
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